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March 2024


Dear Parents and Carers


Educational Visits during School Hours.


We have reduced the amount of parental permission slips needed and as a consequence we have moved towards a ‘blanket permission slip’, which can

be used by the school throughout your child’s time at Trafalgar.


Such a consent form provides permission for your child to participate in any trip and visit arranged by us, meaning parents/carers will now need to complete a single consent form when their child joins the school. This consent will only apply to trips and visits that take place during normal school hours, typically to local schools and colleges, local villages and educational venues.


Transport provided by the school for these trips and activities will only use approved coach companies, school minibuses or visits that can be completed on foot. All activities will have been previously risk assessed by the school and approval will have been obtained for each trip from our local authority, Wiltshire Council, before they proceed. Trips will have been assessed and approved as being of a low or medium hazard only.


You will be sent an information letter stating details of the trip/visit so you can contact the school and refuse permission should you wish your child not to participate. The blanket permission will also cover the annual whole school charity sponsored walk that takes place during the school year. This annual school event has been approved as a medium risk activity.


We will continue to send out separate information and permission letters for visits and trips that involve an early start or late return to school, a payment and for all overseas travel.


Parents/carers will continue to be asked for permission for any trips/visits that are deemed by the school to be high risk, or have factors that the school considers it would be appropriate for parents/carers to be consulted on, prior to the trip or activity taking place.


On the reverse of this letter is the school’s insurance information for your information.


Should you have any questions regarding educational trips please do not hesitate to contact me.


Yours sincerely


Rachel Reeves

Educational Visits Coordinator

Trips & Visits

Insurance Information for Visits & Trips

Insurance Details

Whilst on an educational visit, trip or activity, the school’s public liability policy covers our activities and actions. This insures our school legal liability for:


•Loss of or damage to third party property

•Death of, or injury or disease to, third parties and employees happening in connection with the activities of the school


This means that if the school is responsible for damaging someone’s property, or if there is an accident during an educational visit or curriculum activity and somebody is injured, the school’s public liability would deal with any claim made, once negligence has been established. With regards to an off-site visit or activity, it does not matter where the student is, as long as a student is in our custody or control, the school is responsible for that student. The school are ‘in loco parentis’ (in place of a parent) and must take all reasonable care, as would a parent. If a claim is brought against the school, negligence by the school would have to be shown before any payment of compensation would be paid.



Students could travel by any form of public transport, private hire coaches, in a motor vehicle driven by a member of school staff or a school minibus. If students are transported by private staff car, then that car has business use on its insurance policy. Minibus drivers have undertaken a driver competency assessment and all minibuses are fitted with seatbelts. All hired coaches are from reputable firms, and all seats are fitted with seatbelts.


Medical Treatment

Parents/carers need to be aware that school staff are not permitted to administer medication (including travel sickness tablets or Paracetamol) on their own initiative. If any student requires medication whilst on a school trip or activity, then parents/carers need to complete a ‘Request to Administer Medication’ form available from Student Services. The exceptions to this are: asthma inhalers, epi-pens and treatments for diabetes which should be kept by the child. Trip staff need to be informed on how and when such medication should be used and all medication taken on trips and activities for your child must be in date.


School staff are considered to be ‘in loco parentis’ on school trips and activities and must be able, in the child’s interest, to take such action as a prudent parent would for their child. In a sudden emergency there is unlikely to be time to contact parents/carers. You will already have signed the authorisation statement in the Admission Document, received in March, giving the trip leader or any other school member of staff, the ability to consent to such medical treatment (including inoculation, surgery, blood transfusion or dental treatment) which, in the opinion of a qualified medical practitioner, may be necessary for your child.


Emergency Contact Details

All contact details will be taken from the information that you supply at the start of every academic year. If any emergency numbers change, you must notify the school immediately so the correct contact details are available for every off-site activity and trip.

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