
Rewarding students and appreciating their effort and achievement is one of the main foundations of successful behaviour management and academic success at The Trafalgar School at Downton. We want to notice all the fantastic achievements our students do and we want to celebrate their success and achievements whenever we can. No child should be invisible - everyone should have a strong sense of self-worth during their time at Trafalgar.
Whenever possible, students should be rewarded as a means of acknowledging an effort, achievement or action that is above and beyond the norm. This might be in the form of positive acknowledgement, praise or rewards. It encompasses both academic standards and achievements and the wider school experience such as their co-curricular participation and success.
We reward students in a formal way at the end of each report for achieving excellent academic standards. This takes the form of a letter or praise from either the student's Head of House or the Deputy Headteacher.
We also prioritise character education as we want to help our students become well rounded individuals who will contribute to society. We emphasise this by rewarding students for living our Trafalgar School Values.
All House Points are awarded via ClassCharts and pastoral staff monitor this to ensure consistency between staff and classes. Tutors and heads of House celebrate success as frequently as they can.
In addition to House Points we foster a feeling of House pride by a series of high profile competitions during the school year - the House Music competition, the InterHouse sporting fixtures and the English Public Speaking competition.