Year 6 Transition Information
Welcome to The Trafalgar School at Downton family. You should be able to find all the information you need regarding your transition to Year 7 on this page but if you have any other questions please feel free to email

​Monday 3rd March is national offer day. If you applied online you will receive an email from your local authority with your child's allocated school. (Parents who submitted paper applications will receive a letter in the post)
If you have been successful in securing a place with The Trafalgar School at Downton you will receive an email from on behalf of the school with a link to register all student information. This email will be sent between 3rd -5th March to the same email address you registered on your child's application. Please check your spam folder if you have not received an email by 5th March.
This information will compile your child's student record and it is essential that we have this information completed by Monday 22nd April. If you have any issues completing this form please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via
Student Data
Useful Dates
National Offer Date - Monday 3rd March 2025
Local Education Authority will email parents with Secondary school place offers.
Primary School Visits
Throughout May & June Mr Williams our Transitions Lead will be visiting Year 6 students in their Primary School in order to introduce himself and gather transition information from Year 6 Teachers.
Transition Day - Wednesday 3rd July 2025 (8.15am - 3pm)
Your child will be invited to join us for the day to meet their tutor and tutor group whilst experiencing a school day at Trafalgar.
Welcome Fair - Wednesday 3rd July 2025 (5pm - 7.30pm)
Families are invited into school so that parents / careers can meet the tutor, purchase uniform and speak to our transport team.
Transport registration form deadline - TBC
If you live outside The Trafalgar School catchment area and would like to apply for school transport. Please see more information below.
First day of term - Tuesday 2nd September 2025
Year 7 & 11 only in school.

If you live outside of The Trafalgar School at Downton catchment area and would like to register your interest for one of our school buses please register here by ??????
This does not guarantee a bus place at this stage, the Transport team will be in touch to confirm places in due course.
Students who live in the catchment area should apply via the Wiltshire Council
If you are unsure whether you are in the catchment area please click here
Music Lessons
SAMC teachers are part of the Salisbury Area Music Cooperative who employ an agreed contract and fees structure as part of this organisation. We also have some private teachers work as solo practitioners and set their own contracts and fees. All teachers have been DBS checked, and are hand-picked by the school's music team.
To sign up for lessons, please contact teachers directly. They will then contact you directly as to their fees and contracts they operate their practices upon.
In some cases, students may want to study an instrument but family funds are not readily available. We believe that music should be available to all so, we are here to help. If you have any further enquiries or would like a chat please do not hesitate to contact me