Student Leadership

Aims of our Student Leadership Programme
To empower students to work in partnership with staff towards shared goals
To enable creativity to flourish as the school community benefits from the wealth of experiences, ideas, skills and sense of fun that students bring
To provide opportunities for students to develop leadership skills through a variety of inspiring, challenging and valued projects which impact positively on life and learning
To prepare students for life beyond school
What Personal Qualities do I need?
You should like working with and talking to younger students
You should be able to build good working relationships with staff
You should want to make a lasting impact at school and be involved in decision making
You should be able to work well in a team
You should have good time management skills eg: balancing commitments
You should be polite, mature, responsible and reliable at all times

Applications from Year 11 students. Deadline in June.
Terms of Reference: Leading Student Leadership. Senior Prefects lead each of the strands of student leadership

Nominated representatives for the Tutor Groups. Deadline September.
Terms of Reference:
Co-curricular planning
School Meals
Social Times

Volunteers from all year groups, see Mr Monk
Terms of Reference:
Raising environmental awareness.
The Great Green Charter. Promoting a responsibility for the environment.

Year 8 and 9 students selected by Heads of House.
Terms of Reference:
Mentoring support for new students

Applications from all Year Groups. Deadline 31st October. See Mrs Faulkner
Terms of Reference:
Anti-Bullying Charter and support for young people.

Applications from all Year Groups. Deadline 30th September
Terms of Reference:
Raising awareness of student wellbeing and where to go for help

Applications from all Year Groups
Speak to your class teacher about opportunities open to students